Meditation Coaching Progam

There exists within each of us an unshakeable core of deep serenity and unconditional love. In meditation - whether we're aware of it or not - we get in touch with this place inside where conflict, self-doubt, and judgment cease to exist. Accessing it, even for a moment, is the key to accessing an inner peace that ripples out to every relationship, interaction, and experience you have.

Life Balance Program

Learn how to balance the body and mind in our modern world using the time-tested tools of Ayurveda (ancient form of medicine, older than Chinese medicine). We will incorporate Ayurveda’s teachings on healthy and balanced nutrition, mindful movement, and a lifestyle aligning with our natural circadian rhythms to help you create healthy habits, validated by science, daily.

Reiki Treatments

During year 2019, Lidia has introduced Reiki Chakras Balancing treatments with the purpose of helping her clients align the inner beauty with the outer beauty. “ even though Reiki is considered an alternative medicine treatment modality because the complexities of cause and effects during this treatment will defy logic and analysis. Reiki is actually very connected with science, particularly quantum mechanics. $125 per session.

According to astrophysicist Fritjof Capra, there are two modes of consciousness: the rational and the intuitive. Reiki is associated with following your intuition and opening up beyond what we perceive as the physical world - beyond our five senses”, says Lidia.

A 2013 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that 10 minutes of energy healing was as effective as physical therapy in improving range of motion for people with restricted mobility.

She expands this thought very scientifically. “In the realm of physics there are two worlds: the recognizable world (classical mechanics), and the hidden subatomic world (quantum mechanics. But we are not neurologically wired to visualize such things, simply because it extends beyond our capabilities and our five senses. According to physicists, it means we need to rely on abstract mathematics.

According to astrophysicist and author of the Tao of Physics, Fritjof Capra, there are two modes of consciousness: the rational and the intuitive. Reiki is associated with following your intuition and opening up beyond what we perceive as the physical world - beyond our five senses” .

Additional studies suggest energy healing can help improve cognition, reduce pain, and ease stress and depression. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or possibly emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.
Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.